I've slacked a bit in writing, mostly due to work scheduling, and the crappy wireless internet offered by my hotel. I have a bit of time right now, I suppose I should give a bit of information about me lately.
My lack of interest in this city is really quite pitiable. There is nothing to do around here, and if I found something to do, my motivation would require something major for me to get off my butt and go do it.
I really hate to say how bad I hate this job (Pennsylvania). I sit here and click the refresh button on my e-mail page and wait for someone to write. There's noting more exciting than watching the page load and hoping for even something such as a newsletter or junk mail to appear so I can either zap it down to the trash, or maybe even read it to give me something to do. Staring out the window is another past-time of mine. Watching the clouds, noticing people pass by, small things. I notice the indian lady walk to a part of the decking at least twice a week and lay out towels on the brown boards, spreading out thin lentil crackers for the Indian Grill. The grill is connected to the hotel and not half bad.
Indian food is not something I enjoy for the most part, but last night I decided to live a little and after dragging my brother out of bed, we wandered down to the elegant little resturaunt and glanced at the menu. I only knew one thing on there: chicken tikka. I'd heard about it on movies and various other sources, and assumed "safe eating" so on with the order "chicken tikka please". The waiter brought some lentil crackers and chutney assortment. They were all very strong and spicy, some better than others, but my favorite was a tomato based chutney with onions in it. The chicken tikka arrived steaming violently and smelling very good on a bed of onions, peppers, and tomato. The other plates were filled with rice, and a sauce (gravy as the waiter called it). It all was pretty tolerable and the chicken itself was pretty tasty. After a huge meal (enough food for 4 people) I decided to head to the bar right next door for a beer.
The door that exits the Indian Grill actually enters the bar, and it wasn't hard to find a seat away from the patrons that were already drunken and loud. I sat, ordered a Bud Light and lit a cigarette. This was the boring part of the night, as I sat and had another Bud, I thought about my current situation and how lame everything is going with the job. I'm never sure who to believe, as everyone lies and hides things. I thought about this for a bit finished my 2nd beer and was about to pay, but I had no cash. This normally wouldn't be a problem because I have a debit card, but the bartender failed to mention before that there's a 10 dollar minimum tab before they accept debit/credit transactions (due to fee for business)(damn those indian owners pinch pennies). He asked me to drink a third which would raise my tab to six bucks, and then he'd run it anyway. I ate two pretzels and downed my glass and was out the door.
Today was a new day, but it's all the same shit. I have to do laundry still and it's close to 2pm. I'm not motivated today either. I've been messing with the car, as I need new tires on it, and it backfired once so I'm scared that the intake/cat is clogged. I'm bored as hell... can anyone help me?
I'm distracted from this lovely plot
As my fingers decipher my brain's language
Mind is taking it's own walk from reality
Eyes trace the path of destruction
Gathering the feeling of seclusion
Avoiding the lies and deception
Longing for the slightest touch
I lay my head down to rest
Away from this world I float
If only for a second
Here now