Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Today.. Close or Far?

Well... After making it almost through today by sleeping and twiddling my thumbs, I realise that there's nothing to lose in life. It's all a hoax. We cannot lose anything, I reapeat, we cannot lose anything!
My theory is, that all things with monetary, or sentimental are useless. Anything having to do with money can be replaced in one's lifetime, and if it cannot (say a 4billion dollar jet) it was worth it knowing you had it. This brings me to my second point. Sentimental valued items. If you hold something dear, because of it's memories, you're losing the whole point. WE HOLD THESE FOR MEMORIES! Memories that we already contain in our heads, and which cannot be taken from us. Lose the old shirt, or old cd. The item can be replaced, but the memory NO.
We always have a fresh start, and a way to change. Sometimes life makes it clear to us, sometimes we have to discover for ourselves.
I'll leave on this quote:
"Keep on dreamin' boy cause when 'ya stop dreamin' it's time to die.. And as we all play parts of tomorrow, some ways we'll work, and other ways we'll play. I know we can't all stay here forever.. So I wanna write my words on the face of today... and then they'll paint it.
Life is hard, we have to change."
~Blind Melon: "Change"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry. If we can't loose anything, then we have everything to gain, right?