Saturday, April 23, 2005

That "Feeling"

   Have you ever had that feeling as soon as you wake up, that the day is going to be a wreck? Not just like a bunch of bad things will happen, but the feeling down in your very being, that something you can't imagine is going to happen?

   Today I woke up and had this "cranky" feeling. Not just because Stephanie is blaring her little cd-player in the next room so loud that I can literally sing along to the lyrics, but because no matter what she or anyone else in my house is doing right now, I feel this awful urge to run and scream and never stop running. It's like the Ultimate Annoyance but not from anyone in particular. The feeling is spawning from the day itself, with no hopes of pin-pointing what it is exactly. I suppose that the car could break down, or someone will pass-away that I know, maybe even that I'll break a bone today. I'm not sure I can tell, but I'm fearing today. I hope that none of this nightmare comes true that I "think" I can feel, but more than likely my feelings aren't here for no reason.

The outcome..... later....

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