Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Things are going a lot more smoothly around here seems like. I'm a bit more level with myself, and everyone, and I guess I'm looking up more than I used to. I think that in the end, we all turn out the same no matter what, so that doesn't distinguish us as people. How we live does. Wouldn't you agree? I'd rather not feel like I'm living among a heard of sheep as myself, but I'd rather be the really odd animal in life such as the duck-billed platypus. Something that stands out LOL. They don't travel in heards, and they act independently from one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...I told you how many times before to be happy with yourself and doesn't matter if you are different, and to live you life they way you want...that is who you are and that's what makes you you. It's about time that you lift your head up!!!