Monday, September 05, 2005

Nostalgia (The Calm)

   I sit here and look out the door. The clouds roll over and fill my body with a feeling of calm. The sky up here in Pennsylvania is incredibly fierce blue, open and willing. Soon it will be October, and my heart's longing for the frosty air and smell of fall will be fulfilled. I get this rage inside me that I can no longer control, consuming me from the inside and jetting outward in all directions like an atomic blast. I feel love for the air to caress my skin, and I want to scream out "ahhhhhhhhh" just because it feels so good. October feels like it was made for me. As for now though, it's still just early September. I can feel the time coming, yet it's still so far away. Too far away to see my breath in the night air, to see thin puddles of water getting cold enough to freeze maybe in the later of October. Stil I long for my beloved October.

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